Achieving Network Growth

At Franchise Agency, we provide innovative and comprehensive franchise sales & recruitment services to support the growth strategies
of our partners.

Our Business Growth Services

Happy Franchise Owner

Franchise Lead Nuture, Sales & Development

Boost your franchise with our expert lead management service, maximising returns while cultivating future brand advocates.

Franchise Marketing

Franchise Marketing & Lead Generation

Experience transformative recruitment marketing with our custom campaigns, enhancing your brand and driving franchise interest.

Frachising Modelling

Franchise Model

Unlock your business’s potential with Franchise Agency, leveraging our expertise to craft a successful franchise model.

Expertise that Delivers: The Franchise Agency Difference.

With over 30 yrs combined franchise experience, Franchise Agency’s team of experts provide clients with a powerful blend of knowledge, skills and business acumen to drive growth strategies.

  • Access a team with years of expertise in franchise recruitment, sales and development, marketing, lead generation, and property strategy.
  • Tailored assistance with growth strategies, meeting the unique needs of each franchisor.

  • Our goal is to become a seamless part of your team, representing your brand with expertise and skill to achieve your franchise recruitment and property strategy objectives.

Brands we’ve had the pleasure of working with include…

Serving some of Australia’s largest brands as well as emerging ones.

Modernising the franchise recruitment process for Schnitz Australia

Mathnasium Franchise

Launching one of the world’s most successful education franchises

Banana Blossom Franchise

Supported Banana Blossom during their move to a franchising model

Our customers love our bespoke approach to their unique needs

“What impressed us the most about Franchise Agency was their bespoke approach to our unique needs. They didn’t just apply a cookie-cutter strategy, but took the time to understand the intricacies of our brand.”

“The FA team’s uncanny ability to simplify complex business concepts into actionable tasks helped us overcome early obstacles and set us on a successful path. They were there every step providing assistance.”

Exclusive franchising tips you won’t read anywhere else

Let’s work together

Leverage the Power of Industry Expertise –
Get Started Today!

One conversation has the power to spark new ideas, forge meaningful relationships, and create endless opportunities for growth and success.​

​So why not start a conversation with us today and see how we can help you achieve success ​in the competitive world of franchising?

Simply send through your details and a representative from Franchise Agency will be in touch with you shortly.